St. Regis School - 2 HR LATE START with POSSIBILITY of cancellation for Wed. Feb. 5th depending on roads and weather. Please help spread the word to friends, family, and neighbors that do not receive these messages. Add 2 hours to all bus pick-up times for the morning pick-up.
about 4 hours ago, Derek Larson
Afterschool programs, open library, and JHGBB are canceled today (2/4/25).
about 12 hours ago, Shaun
Did you forget to buy a cookie or rose for your loved one? If so, you're in luck. BPA is extending the purchase deadline to 2/4/25 at 9:00 a.m. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Phillips or Mrs. Hill. Go Tigers!
1 day ago, Shaun
St. Regis School - Junior High Basketball is cancelled on 2/1/25 due to bad road conditions.
4 days ago, Derek Larson
Class pictures, sports pictures, and make-ups were taken two days ago. If you would like to purchase pictures, please choose one of the following: 1. Email the photographer at: with the name of the school, name of the student and grade. A link will then be sent to you to purchase pictures. 2. Use the link below to request the pin to view your fall school images and retakes. Individual prints start at $7 and packages start at $15
6 days ago, Shaun
Tiger Family, tomorrow (1/28/25) is picture day. Class pictures, retakes, and sports pictures will be taken. Please have your child (ren) "dressed to the nines." Go, Tigers!!!
8 days ago, Shaun
Tiger Family, there are no after-school programs on 1/23 and Friday School on 1/24. This is just a reminder that we have parent conferences on 1/23 from 4 to 7 p.m. If you haven't been notified of a conference yet and would like to speak with one of your child's teachers, please call 406-649-2311. Have an amazing day. Go, Tigers!
14 days ago, Shaun
Good afternoon Tiger Family. On Jan. 23, we have parent conferences from 4 to 7 p.m. This parent conference is designed for students who need additional support. Teachers will reach out to specific families soon. However, if you weren't invited and would like to speak with any teacher, please get in touch with them, and they will schedule a time. Have a wonderful weekend. Go Tigers!
18 days ago, Shaun
Please join us for story time at the library
22 days ago, Jen Pruitt
January storytime
Tiger Family-just a friendly reminder that we have Friday School on 1/10 from 8 am-12 pm. The 8-12 Friday Schools are not mandatory. It is optional for students. We have art and sewing classes and staff on hand to help students with their work. 7-12th grade students who are interested in art and sewing have to sign up. If you have any questions, please let me know.
26 days ago, Shaun
Tiger Family-just a friendly reminder that we have Friday School on 1/10 from 8 am-12 pm.
26 days ago, Shaun
Do you like to spell? Tiger family, we are in desperate need of a Spelling Bee Coordinator. The volunteer position is responsible for setting up/coordinating the district wide contest that is held here in St. Regis in March. It's a time commitment of about 6 - 8 hours. It would also require you to get a background check. If you would like to know more information, please visit the Scripps website at If you are interested, please contact Mr. Ball right away at 406-649-2311 ext. 202.
29 days ago, Shaun
Tiger family, there are no after-school programs today (1/3/25). Happy New Year!
about 1 month ago, Shaun
St. Regis School - The state requires us to have a calendar submitted and posted on our website (we send one out in the back-to-school packets also). If you have not already, please download one from the website or call in and we can send one home with a student, or you can pick one up at the office. For some reason our system is having trouble sending messages out to some phone numbers. This could be a cell company issue and attempting to track down a fix for this is proving very hard for our website company. If you can pass this message along to friends or family that are not receiving those text messages, we would appreciate it. Thank you and Happy New Year!
about 1 month ago, Derek Larson
Tiger Family- at the elementary level, we have three confirmed cases of headlice. Families have been contacted and letters were sent home along with treatment plans. Our school nurse was at the school today to make sure it wasn't spreading from student to student. As a precautionary measure, we encourage you to check your student's head. If you have any questions on how to treat headlice, please email our school nurse, Jen Donovan, at
about 2 months ago, Shaun
Tiger Family-There are no after-school programs today after school. Have a Merry Christmas!
about 2 months ago, Shaun
Just a reminder we have a normal school day today. Have a Merry Christmas!!!!!
about 2 months ago, Shaun
Winter Festival tomorrow, December 19, come join us for a night of family fun.
about 2 months ago, Jen Pruitt
Winter Festival
Spring Soccer announcement
about 2 months ago, Derek Larson
Spring Soccer
St. Regis School - Winter Concert for 7-12th grade plus a few 6th grade guests. Please don't forget to join us tomorrow night, Monday the 16th, in the St. Regis Gym for our 7-12th grade winter concert!
about 2 months ago, Derek Larson